Friday, November 18, 2011

Deportation for Illegals with Criminal Records

The Obama administration is renewing their efforts to deport illegal aliens living in this country with a criminal record. With the help of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), the files of thousand of illegal residents with criminal backgrounds are being reviewed. The government is deporting thousands of these illegal aliens and with the help of their new program, thousands more with high risk cases will soon de deported.

Concerning the deportation of illegals who are criminals, the Obama administration prioritizes illegal alien cases, "involving criminals who endanger public safety or national security." They drop the cases if the immigrants have no criminal background.

Starting this December, the criteria set by the administration will be applied to the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrant cases in courts all over the country. Many of these cases have been waiting for review for extended periods of time.

Under this new policy, law enforcement officers with jurisdiction over deportation cases will use new guidelines when determining which cases have the highest priority and which illegals pose the greatest threat to the safety of this nation. When looking at a case, officials are advised to determine, "whether the immigrant arrived in the U.S. at a young age, whether they served in the military and whether they are providers for their families."

Critics of the program are worried that illegals with less serious crimes will be overlooked and allowed to remain in the country. They see it as "back-door amnesty."

The new guidelines are being tested in Boston and Denver and changes in the policy will gradually be phased in to the system.

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