Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney is fighting off claims by a Los Angeles newspaper that a bill he singed was costing the Massachusetts state government 400 million dollars to provide heath care for illegal immigrants.
In 2006, Governor Romney signed into a law a health program called Health Safety Net. The purpose of this program was to make immediate medical attention possible for those who persons who could not afford it and did not have substantial insurance coverage. Among that group of people who received medical care were many illegal aliens.
An official statement put out by the Romney campaign was quick to point fingers at Romney's successor Governor Patrick. Spokesperson Andrea Saul was sure to point out too that his successor was a democrat! He said, "Federal law requires emergency medical care for illegal immigrants. And if illegal immigrants are getting access to additional health care in Massachusetts, it's liberal Gov. Deval Patrick that has made it easier for them to do so. "
Saul continued to hound Governor Patrick saying that all the logistics and "regulatory activities" of the Health Safety Net Fund were organized after Romney left the office.
Sometimes I feel like politics is more of a "who broke the window?" game than anything else. Don't you feel our time would be better spent taking action to fix the broken window than to try and figure out who did it?
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