Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Arrests on the Border Drop

There's a change in the wind and according to the numbers of illegal immigrant arrests on the Mexican-American border, our focus should now be on the immigrants who have crossed the border, not the ones attempting to cross.

According to numbers at the end of this past fiscal year, there were more people deported from America than there were people emigrating to America.

"Border Patrol arrested 327,577 people trying to cross the southern U.S. border. Meanwhile, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials deported a record 396,906 people over the same period. That marks the first time in decades that formal removals from the U.S. outpaced arrests at the border."

The Pew Hispanic Group found that of the approximately 10.2 million illegal immigrants living here in the United States, more than half have been here for over ten years. Those numbers reflect adults but children are settling here as well. More and more illegals are settling down and becoming naturalized citizens.

While the numbers clearly show that the greater problem is with immigrant living here and not the border, many candidates continue to place that at the forefront of their immigration platform. Rick Perry wants to add more on ground force surrounding the border and Newt Gingrich wants to build the border fence higher than the already 600 feet.

Taken from: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/12/06/arrests-illegals-on-border-drops-to-lowest-level-in-40-years/